Thursday, July 1, 2021

Youtheatre 2021-2022 Season

Peter Pan Jr.  

Wendy Darling loves to tell stories to her brothers, Michael and John. But when her father announces she must move out of the nursery, Peter Pan comes to visit and whisks them away to Never Land. The Story is filled with Lost boys, Fairies, Mermaids, Indians, and of course Pirates! Based on J.M. Barrie's enchanting story, Peter Pan JR. is a modern version of the timeless tale about a boy who wouldn't grow up and flying is required!! There are a large number of speaking and solo parts both males and females in this play.

Ages 5-18. $45.00 per month.

Class: Wed. 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. at

@ Larsen Elementary 1175 E Flonette Ave.

Sept- January

Performing: Jan. 18th-21, 2022


When Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy took their first steps into the world behind the magic wardrobe, little did they realize what adventures are about to unfold. And as the story of Narnia begins to unfold, so too does a classic tale that has enchanted readers of all ages for over half a century. Our stage play will bring to life this beloved story. Lots of parts available, the four children, Professor, Mrs. MacReady, White Witch, Dwarves, Fenris Ulf, Tumnis, Mr. & Mrs. Beaver, Animals of all kinds, Crulies, and more!! Come join us in Narnia for a magical time. There are tons of speaking and solo parts for both males and females!

**Ages 8-18. $45.00 per month.

Class: Wed. 5:15 to 6:15 p.m.

@ Larsen Elementary 1175 E Flonette Ave.

Sept- Mar. or Apr.

Performing: Mar. 12th-26th 2022


$45.00 a month, with a $5.00 a month discount if paid before the second class of the month. A $45.00 Registration fee per show covers costume and script rental and T-shirt. To be registered for a class, you will need to pay the Registration Fee. Sept. tuition will be due Sept. 15th. Classes begin Wed. Sept. 1st. Refunds will only be given before Sept. 1, 2021 


Auditions will be held Thur. Aug. 19th and Wed. Aug. 25th Between the hours of 4:00 and 6:00 p.m. at Larsen Elementary. Please bring your child one of these days so they can meet with instructors and be assigned a part. If they would like to audition for a singing role, please be prepared to sing a song of their choosing. We have music available at auditions if you would like to use ours.


Beginning Aug. 2nd Go to space is

limited please register early!

All students need to be registered before

they Audition.


  1. August 18 is a Wednesday. Is the 2021 audition on 8/18 (W) or 8/19 (Th)?

  2. The 19th. I guess I can't send out information without a mistake!! You win the prize for finding it.

  3. I went to register after midnight on August 2nd, because that's what I've found to be necessary lately if my child wants a spot in the plays, but it's not listed on yet. Just wondering what's going on.

    1. Btw ... the "Unknown" is Sheri Champneys

    2. Also, the time listed when I made these comments is an hour behind. So it was August 2, 2021 at 12:37 AM
      - Sheri Champneys

    3. Unfortunately, if you got online any time after 12:10 the shows were probably already full, and so it didn’t list them as available classes and therefore you weren’t able to see them.

  4. There has GOT to be a better way to do this rather than scrambling around at midnight trying to get our kids signed up for something!

  5. Sorry I didn't check here. I understand there are some problems with how the registration works. We have been communicating with the city and hopefully we can implement some ideas that we have come up with next year. We are adding a few spaces, the city will contact the student who get in. It might take a few days.
