Friday, July 19, 2024

Registration for our 2024-2025 Season


Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat is one of our all time favorite shows. This will be an incredible experience for your child to participate in.  This is a high energy, singing and dancing show. Your child will learn a ton of different kinds of dance styles as they sing and dance their way through the Bible Story of Joseph. There are a large number of parts. 12 brothers, 6 other male leads, 6 female narrators, at least 42 main female specialty dancers and many more. We will also have a children's chorus that will be on stage for the entire show and participate in all of the dance numbers. Come and join us and bring a friend! Ages 8-18. $45.00 per month.

Class: Wed. 5:15 to 6:30 p.m.
@ Larsen Elementary 1175 E Flonette Ave,
Sept-Jan or Feb. 
Performing: Jan or Feb. 2025

Willy Wonka is a fun and exciting show filled with special effects and magic. Five lucky children find a golden ticket and win a chance to tour Wonka's Chocolate Factory. The adventure begins as one by one the children make poor choices until only Charlie is left. There are a lot of parts for both boys and girls. All students will be very involved throughout the entire show, these will include Oompa Loompas, candy kids, cooks, squirrels, Tech kids, Bubble gum machine, and much more!  Teenagers are needed to play the adult roles.  
Ages 5-18. $45.00 per month.
Class: Wed. 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. 
@ Larsen Elementary 1175 E Flonette Ave. Sept- Feb. or Mar.
Performing:  Mar. 2025


Beginning Aug. 1st Go to space is limited please register early!

All students need to be registered before they Audition.

Can I be in more than one Show? YES!! You just need to register for both. 


$45.00 a month per class, with a $5.00 a month discount if paid before the second class of the month. A $45.00 Registration fee per show covers costume and script rental and T-shirt.

To be registered for a class, you will need to pay the Registration Fee. Sept. tuition will be due Sept. 18th. Classes begin Wed. Sep. 4th Refunds will only be given before Sep. 4th 2024 


Auditions will be held Wed: Aug. 21st and Wed. Aug. 28th Between the hours of 4:00 and 6:00 p.m. at Larsen Elementary. Please bring your child one of these days so they can meet with instructors and be assigned a part. If they would like to audition for a singing role, please be prepared to sing a song of their choosing. We have music available at auditions if you would like to use ours. 

For more information you may call Karma 801-494-4730

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