Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Posting Performance dates again

Dates for Arabian Nights: 
Our first day on stage will be Feb. 17th we will have practises 17th, 18th, 20th, and 22nd. The 23rd will be the Special performance.  And the show will run Feb. 24th - Feb. 27th.

Dates for 101 Dalmatians:
Our first day on stage will be Mar. 23rd, we will have practises 23rd, 24th, 25th, The 28th will be the Special performance. And the show will run Mar. 29th - Apr. 1st.
Please mark your calendars!


  1. Will practice be at the same time on these dates? Will there be extra practices in January also?

  2. Will practice be at the same time on these dates? Will there be extra practices in January also?

  3. I will be sending a performance note out right after Christmas. I am waiting for a couple of schools to let me know when they are coming. But starting Feb. 17th we will be at the High School almost every day. We will begin and finish on time. We try to make sure the youth are not out any longer than they need to be. Watch the blog I will post the schedule there as soon as I can.
