Tuesday, July 27, 2021


 We finally have dates confirmed for Narnia! We will be on stage rehearsing and performing March 12th -26th. We were not sure we were going to be able to get dates to do the 2nd show!! So remember somebody upstairs loves YOU!!


  1. So are they going to be doing performances every night for two weeks? I assume you are not performing on Sunday nights, but are they performing every other night? If they have a conflict with two of the nights, should we pull them out of the play now?

  2. And sorry when I enrolled him on the spanish fork website it said the dates were still unknown, so I knew this conflict might come up, but was really hoping it would not.

  3. The dates are for our entire time on stage. Part building set, rehearsing, Performance dates are 22nd-26th. We don't do anything on Sunday. As for a conflict, I don't know what dates you are having an issue with and also what part they get. Leads would definitely need to be to performances. We can work around others for sure. If you would rather communicate quicker you can text me. Karma 801-494-4730. I don't check here as quickly.
